Marian Brady for 4th Harbor District

During my 8 years as a Eureka city councilmember, I’ve also been privately promoting our harbor and port as the most important source of long-term economic growth for Eureka.

Please join the Brady Bunch again to help me work directly for jobs, environmental protection, and our future … the harbor needs our help.

Marian in bay Marian in harbor on dock

After much thought I am running for Harbor Commissioner to help turn the tide toward responsible harbor development, to welcome new ideas and join those commissioners in office who are forward-looking.

Lack of dredging, wasteful spending, poor planning, no new harbor jobs created, conversion of coastal dependent industrial lands to property rentals in a desperate attempt to stabilize HD finances, non-support for a fully operational port with robust shipping, and lack of vision of any kind must be remedied.

I have been working my entire eight years while on Eureka city council for port development and jobs. Our citizen’s group, the Humboldt Bay Harbor Working Group, has presented myriad harbor-related issues at 53 forums, and done more to keep the port and jobs in focus than the Harbor District. As a commissioner I will be at least one vote for a clean, green port, compatible with both recreational and conservation uses.

The Harbor Commission needs new energy and vision, commissioners who show up for meetings, who are not ambivalent about staying in the Eureka area and want a vibrant port that will generate funds for the District. Elect Marian Brady for a fresh, new voice for our Harbor.

To lend your support you can contact Marian Brady at:

Phone: 707-443-8282 or 707-599-7447
Address: P.O. Box 6024, Eureka, CA 95502